Photographing Amy and Steve’s wedding Jeremy’s Restaurant in Hayward’s Heath, West Sussex was an example of how flexibility and understanding is really important. The lead up to the day itself was a stressful experience for the couple. Firstly, the wedding was postponed twice due to Covid restrictions. In addition, Nyman’s Garden’s cancelled their ceremony the night before. Amy called me that evening, understably upset. It came as a shock to me. My conversation with the venue erlier that day conifmred everything was on track. She explained that Nyman’s reason was the wind forecast. Therefore, all the timings of the day had to change. In addition, Jeremy’s had to host the wedding itself aswell as the reception. I reassured Amy that I would be as flexible as necessary to cover the change in timings.
I saw Steve first in the morning to document him getting ready with his brothers. They were in good spirits considering the anxiety of the previous day. I then went to photograph Amy getting ready. She was remarkably calm and also relieved that Jeremy’s were so responsive to the last minute changes. I got there before Amy to be ready for her arrival. I quickly realised that a dividing curtain in the room would restrict my angles. The staff were great when I asked to make the change. We took it down together to open up the room which made a huge difference. I was then able to disreetly change my position at different points in the ceremony. Everything about the day itself went really well thanks to the flexibilty and professionalism of the staff at Jeremy’s. Not to mention the 6 course tasting menu – that comes highly recommended! For more detail about how I work, click here.