I’m James, father, photographer and kite flyer. I document weddings, portraits and events as well as commissions all over the country. I’m based in Sussex with my two children, two cats and two Macs. That’s Mya and me in the picture – I adopted her and her sister from a local cat rescue centre. I’ve only ever had moggies before and had no idea quite how obsessed Burmese cats are with humans.
“How did you become a photographer?” I’m often asked. I’ve always been drawn to documentary images – seeing stories told in pictures. The focus of my photography is always through my connection with people. I’m self taught and have been working freelance for over 10 years. My parents were fine art and graphic design professionals; between them they taught me how to really look. My brother Carl and I grew up in a visual environment, never far from conversations about composition, colour, perspective and aesthetic. As he went off to study graphic design, I broke the mould by pursuing my interest in human behaviour and went on to graduate in psychology and specialise in nonverbal communication.
We cominbed our talents to become multiple, British, European and World Champions in the field of sport kite flying, travelling the world together expressing our creativity in a competative environment. We regularly collobarate to this day, through kites, photography and creativity.
I always look for three things in my work; movement, beauty and narrative. Whether it’s your portrait, your wedding or your family, I strive to reflect the individuality, character and beauty of you.